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地坪 更環(huán)保更安全













無(wú)錫固化劑地坪是近年來(lái)出現(xiàn)并得到廣泛應(yīng)用的環(huán)氧地坪漆產(chǎn)品。它以水作溶劑,尤其適合地下水位較高或者沒(méi)做防水層的地下室、倉(cāng)庫(kù)及停車(chē)場(chǎng)等基面潮濕的場(chǎng)所,能有效解決潮濕地面普通環(huán)氧地坪漆涂層容易起泡的問(wèn)題。無(wú)錫固化劑地坪環(huán)氧地坪漆" target="_blank" class="seolabel" style="color: rgb(28, 87, 196); text-decoration-line: none;">涂料是一種多相體系,它以環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂為分散相,水溶性固化劑作為連續(xù)相,它的固化過(guò)程由擴(kuò)散控制。最先發(fā)生固化反應(yīng)的應(yīng)該在界面上,環(huán)氧顆粒表層的黏度組建增加,同時(shí),固化劑逐漸擴(kuò)散到環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂中,進(jìn)一步使環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂固化。影響水性環(huán)氧地坪涂料固化的原因主要有以下幾個(gè)方面。

Waterborne epoxy floor paint is a kind of floor paint product which has appeared and been widely used in recent years. It uses water as solvent, especially suitable for basement, warehouse and parking area with high groundwater level or without waterproof layer. It can effectively solve the problem of foaming of common floor paint coating on wet ground. Waterborne epoxy floor paint is a multiphase system. It uses epoxy resin as disperse phase and water-soluble curing agent as continuous phase. Its curing process is controlled by diffusion. The first curing reaction should occur at the interface. The viscous composition of the surface layer of epoxy particles increases. At the same time, the curing agent gradually diffuses into the epoxy resin, which further solidifies the epoxy resin. The main factors affecting the curing of waterborne epoxy floor coatings are as follows. 


Characteristics of waterborne epoxy floor paint:


1. Safety and environmental protection. Waterborne epoxy floor paint uses water as solvent. It has small odor, non-flammable, convenient storage, transportation and use, and meets the requirements of environmental protection.

2、減少涂膜缺陷。普通的環(huán)氧地坪漆漆膜致密,基面潮氣蒸發(fā)后無(wú)法透過(guò)漆膜逸出,從而形成上頂?shù)膲毫?,造成涂膜起泡。而由于水?a href="http://www.shuangsheng-shoes.com" title="鹽城環(huán)氧地坪" target="_blank" class="sitelink">地坪漆以水作溶劑,固化后的漆膜上有細(xì)微的孔隙,基層中的水汽可以透過(guò)這些孔隙逸出,排解了基面水汽蒸發(fā)產(chǎn)生的壓力,有效防止地坪漆涂層起泡。

2. Reduce coating defects. Ordinary epoxy floor paint film is dense, moisture vaporization on the base surface can not escape through the film, thus forming the pressure on the top, causing the film to foam. Because water-based floor paint uses water as solvent, there are fine pore on the cured film. Water vapor in the base can escape through these pore, which can relieve the pressure caused by vapor evaporation on the base and effectively prevent the floor paint from foaming.


3. Easy to use. Water-borne epoxy floor paint construction tools can be directly cleaned with water, which can reduce construction costs.


4. Wide range of use. Can be used in room temperature and humid environment, such as basement, building floor and other places.


Influencing factors on curing of waterborne epoxy floor paint:

Waterborne epoxy floor paint is a multiphase system. It uses epoxy resin as disperse phase and water-soluble curing agent as continuous phase. Its curing process is controlled by diffusion. The first curing reaction should occur at the interface. The viscous composition of the surface layer of epoxy particles increases. At the same time, the curing agent gradually diffuses into the epoxy resin, further curing the epoxy resin. The main factors affecting the curing of waterborne epoxy floor coatings are as follows.

1、 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂的粒徑。一般來(lái)說(shuō),環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂的粒徑越小,固化就越接近完全。

1. The particle size of epoxy resin. Generally speaking, the smaller the particle size of epoxy resin, the closer to complete curing.

2、 環(huán)氧顆粒的黏度和玻璃化溫度。A.水性環(huán)氧體系中的分散相環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂是液態(tài),但隨著固化反應(yīng)的進(jìn)行,顆粒表面的黏度會(huì)增加,甚至變?yōu)楣腆w,然后其玻璃化溫度也會(huì)增加,是固化劑的擴(kuò)散變困難。B.固化反應(yīng)的進(jìn)行和溶劑的揮發(fā)會(huì)使高粘度的環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂顆粒溶劑行程對(duì)固化劑擴(kuò)散的阻礙作用。

2. Viscosity and glass transition temperature of epoxy particles. A. Dispersed phase epoxy resin in waterborne epoxy system is liquid, but with the curing reaction proceeding, the surface viscosity of particles will increase, or even become solid, and then the glass transition temperature will increase, which makes the diffusion of curing agent difficult. B. The curing reaction and volatilization of solvents will hinder the diffusion of curing agent by the solvent stroke of epoxy resin particles with high viscosity.

3、 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂與固化劑的相容性。兩者的相容性越好,固化劑就越容易向環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂內(nèi)擴(kuò)散,有利于固化。為了提高環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂與固化劑的相容性,建議提高涂膜的耐水性,把環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂和固化劑都設(shè)計(jì)成分散體的形式。一方面對(duì)環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂進(jìn)行親水集團(tuán)改性,使其具有自乳化性能。另一方面,對(duì)固化劑進(jìn)行改性。

3. Compatibility between epoxy resin and curing agent. The better the compatibility between the two, the easier the curing agent diffuses into epoxy resin, which is conducive to curing. In order to improve the compatibility between epoxy resin and curing agent, it is suggested to improve the water resistance of the film and to design the disperse form of epoxy resin and curing agent. On the one hand, epoxy resin was modified by hydrophilic group to make it self-emulsifying. On the other hand, the curing agent was modified.

辛苦整理!轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明來(lái)自 http://www.shuangsheng-shoes.com/news/xw1/64.html





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