


地坪 更環(huán)保更安全













隨著社會(huì)的不斷發(fā)展,環(huán)氧地坪涂料制造和涂裝技術(shù)也有了很大進(jìn)步,和傳統(tǒng)地面涂裝技術(shù)相比,統(tǒng)地面涂裝技術(shù)相比,有以下不同: 基材處理不同傳統(tǒng)涂裝不重視基材處理,有時(shí)混凝土不做任何處理就涂上底漆,有的僅稍做處理,處理方式就是鏟一鏟,掃一掃,去除灰塵而已。

With the continuous development of society, epoxy floor coating manufacturing and painting technology has also made great progress. Compared with traditional surface painting technology, traditional surface painting technology has the following differences: the treatment of substrates is different from traditional painting, which does not pay attention to the treatment of substrates, sometimes concrete is coated with primer without any treatment, and some only do a little. The way to deal with it is to shovel, sweep and remove the dust. 1、對(duì)混凝土地面的要求: ⑴混凝土要求平整密實(shí),強(qiáng)度要求不低于C20; ⑵地面平整度一般要求在2M范圍內(nèi)落差不大于2mm;如落差較大,則環(huán)氧地坪涂層需加厚以減少落差;⑶如需涂裝的地面處于底層,地下水位較高,則混凝土底層應(yīng)作防水處理。⑷新建混凝土干燥至少三周以上,含水率不高于8%; ⑸也可在水磨石等底材上涂裝。

1. Requirements for concrete floor: _Concrete requires flat and compact, strength requirement is not less than C20; _Ground smoothness generally requires a drop of less than 2mm in the range of 2M; If the drop is large, epoxy floor coating needs to be thickened to reduce the drop; _If the ground to be coated is in the bottom layer and the groundwater level is high, concrete will be required. The bottom should be waterproof. _New concrete is dried for at least three weeks with moisture content not higher than 8%. _It can also be coated on terrazzo and other substrates.

2、基材處理方法對(duì)于新建混凝土基材,采用如下處理方式:⑴處理目的:提高地面整體平整度,去除浮層及污物,獲得均一的粗糙表面以利于涂層附著。 ⑵處理設(shè)備:自吸塵地面磨削機(jī)、真空吸塵器等。⑶要求:達(dá)到地面堅(jiān)實(shí)、無(wú)砂眼、窩洞,同時(shí)要求干燥、清潔、無(wú)浮塵、油污、水泥砂粒等雜物。⑷工序:采用地面磨削機(jī)整體打磨一遍—吸盡灰塵—修補(bǔ)大的窩洞、凹陷及裂縫。對(duì)于舊漆地面,如舊漆層附著不牢,需采用地面銑刨機(jī)整體去除舊漆層(1mm厚度以下舊漆層可采用金剛切削刀處理),因處理成本高,如客戶不要求整體去除舊漆,則只去除松動(dòng)舊涂層,去除表面油污及雜物??茖W(xué)的環(huán)氧地坪涂裝十分重視基材處理,并采用專業(yè)的處理機(jī)械進(jìn)行處理,因良好的基材處理是取得優(yōu)異環(huán)氧地坪工程的前提,采用專業(yè)環(huán)氧地坪磨削機(jī)處理地面有以下優(yōu)點(diǎn):

2. For the new concrete base material, the following treatment methods are adopted: (1) The purpose of the treatment is to improve the overall smoothness of the ground, remove floating layer and dirt, and obtain uniform rough surface to facilitate the adhesion of the coating. (2) Treatment equipment: self-cleaning ground grinder, vacuum cleaner, etc. (3) Requirements: to achieve a solid ground, no sand holes, caves, while requiring dry, clean, no floating dust, oil, cement sand and other impurities. (4) Procedure: Use the ground grinder to grind the whole once - absorb the dust - repair the large holes, depressions and cracks. For the old lacquer floor, if the old lacquer layer is not firmly adhered, the whole old lacquer layer needs to be removed by ground milling machine (the old lacquer layer below 1 mm thickness can be treated by diamond cutter). Because of the high cost of treatment, if the customer does not require the whole removal of the old lacquer, only loose old coatings will be removed, and surface oil and impurities will be removed. Scientific flooring coating attaches great importance to the treatment of base materials and adopts professional treatment machinery. Because good base material treatment is the prerequisite for achieving excellent flooring engineering, the use of professional epoxy floor grinder to treat the ground has the following advantages:


(1) It can remove the floating dust with poor surface strength, so as to facilitate the penetration of the sealing primer into the substrate and enhance the adhesion between the coating and the substrate.


(2) Because of the special design of the professional equipment diamond grinding tool, the surface of the substrate after grinding has uniform roughness, which can enhance the adhesion between the coating and the substrate.

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