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The coatings in epoxy floor paint are located between the bottom coatings and the surface coatings. They are mainly used to leveling the ground, further stabilizing the base surface, increasing the thickness of the epoxy floor coatings and improving the impact resistance and wear resistance of the paint film. The coating construction of epoxy floor paint mainly includes intermediate mortar layer and putty layer, which need to be completely dried before construction. The following epoxy floor paint manufacturers will give you a detailed description of the epoxy floor paint coating construction methods.


The role of coatings in epoxy floor paint:


1. Enhance wear resistance: Epoxy floor paint is a kind of cured film-forming floor paint. It completes its protection mission by forming a protective coating on the surface of concrete. Intermediate coating is sandwiched between primer and topcoat to improve the wear resistance of epoxy floor engineering and the key to its service life.


2. Increase the thickness: After the construction of general floor primer and topcoat, only 0.2-0.5mm coating will be produced, which not only has poor wear resistance, but also gives people a poor experience of walking on it.


3. Cost reduction: As the intermediate coating does not need to undertake the task of protecting against harmful substances, its requirements can actually be reduced a little. And the middle coating is in the middle of the epoxy floor coating, colorful no one can see, so the color powder can be omitted. So middle coatings are generally cheaper than topcoats and primers.


4. Leveling the ground: Usually, the concrete ground of the epoxy floor construction base is not smooth enough, especially the small holes and cracks on the ground. It is very difficult to achieve the ideal effect without the filling of middle-coated mortar and putty. Especially when the epoxy top coat is applied, the ugly defects will undoubtedly appear on the bright ground. 環(huán)氧地坪漆中涂刮涂施工

Scraping Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint


Construction method of mortar layer in epoxy floor paint:


(1) After the primer is completely dried out, it is proportioned according to the proportion of middle paint, and a suitable amount of 40-100 mesh quartz sand and a small amount of quartz powder are added to mix, then scraped 1-2 times with batch knife to ensure that there is no leakage and accumulation.


(2) Because the surface of mortar layer is rough and there are many voids, it is usually necessary to scrape putty to level and fill the voids. After finishing the middle coated mortar layer, it usually needs to be polished, cleaned, and then coated with putty layer.環(huán)氧地坪漆中涂膩?zhàn)訉訉邮┕し椒ǎ?/p>

Construction method of putty layer in epoxy floor paint:

在中涂砂漿層自然干透后,按照中涂漆的配比,加入適量石英粉(膩?zhàn)臃?攪拌均勻。用平刀整體批刮1-2遍,不得存在漏除和堆積等現(xiàn)象。在具體的施工過程中,應(yīng)選擇施工性能比較好的膩?zhàn)?,即良好的刮涂性和填平性,適宜的干燥性,耐打磨。因?yàn)橹型磕佔(zhàn)訉邮菫槊嫫岬氖┕ぷ鲣亯|,膩?zhàn)訉拥暮脡闹苯佑绊?a href="http://www.shuangsheng-shoes.com" title="鹽城環(huán)氧地坪" target="_blank" class="sitelink">地坪漆的表面效果,因此要求膩?zhàn)訉优魏煤蟊砻姹仨毠饣?、平整無刮刀痕、無任何顆粒。

After the mortar layer is naturally dried out, according to the proportion of the middle paint, add appropriate amount of quartz powder (putty powder) and mix evenly. Use flat knife to scrape the whole batch for 1-2 times. There should be no leakage and accumulation. In the concrete construction process, putty with good construction performance should be selected, that is, good scraping and filling, suitable dryness and grinding resistance. Because the middle-coated putty layer is to pave the way for the construction of topcoat, the quality of putty layer directly affects the surface effect of floor paint, so it is required that the surface of the batch-scraped putty layer must be smooth, flat, without scratch marks, and without any particles.


Construction effect of epoxy floor paint


Points for Attention in Intermediate Painting Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint:


1. Selected epoxy coating needs to be matched with the primer and topcoat used.


2. The thickness of each coating should be well controlled according to the customer's requirement and the drying performance of the product. It should not be too thick together. Otherwise, the coating may be softened for a long time due to the difficulty of solvent volatilization, which not only delays the construction period, but also leads to poor curing performance of the coating.


3. Choosing suitable putty should have good construction performance, that is, good scraping and filling, suitable dryness and grinding resistance.


4. Because the middle-coated putty layer is to pave the way for the construction of topcoat, the quality of putty layer directly affects the surface effect, so it is required that the surface of the putty layer after batch scraping must be smooth, flat, without scratch marks, and without any particles.

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